We have been supporting waste management companies for many years. We are well aware of the everyday challenges in this industry. We clearly see the areas that create an advanced ecosystem of actions in waste collection processes:
- Implementation of millions of operations per year,
- Dozens of crews, hundreds of employees and extensive fleets of specialised vehicles,
- Managing the company assets in the field, permanently located or rotating, such as various types of bins and containers,
- Needs for daily planning and delegation of tasks and two-way communication with crews,
- Needs for multi-level documentation focused on vehicle operation parameters, the fact and quality of provided services or stocktaking of company assets located in the field,
- Ensuring the data availability from different sources of origin in one environment,
- Securing the possibility of expanding the applied telematics solutions supporting the management and scaling processes together with the company development or changing the requirements on the basis of business relations with many contractors.