Waste ManagementRoad Maintenance Water and sewage servicesFuel distributionAgricultureConstruction
  • Performance and monitoring of works carried out as part of many construction projects in various locations, 
  • Management of fuel distribution and deliveries to in-house fuel stations located in equipment locations, including for the use of mobile tanks, 
  • Use of rotating tools between machinery, crews and locations during the project performance, 

  • Monitoring of activities carried out by subcontractors’ machinery,
  • Document the investment performance in the scope of required adjustments, especially on surface-wide structures, such as roads, 
  • Monitoring the maintenance of the machine storage, 
  • Monitoring the number of loaded and manufactured components for the manufacture of construction materials, 
  • Determining the residual value of construction equipment after the rental period on the basis of actual wear of the structure as a result of loads, not on the basis of the operating hours counter,
  • Need for multi-level documentation that is oriented towards operating parameters of vehicles and machinery,
  • Ensuring the data availability from different sources of origin in one environment and ongoing cost analysis. 

Our answer

Monitoring of orders and resources

Identification and stocktaking

Reporting and analysis

Fuel distribution management

e-TOLL support

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