Altvater Piła (Grupa Eneris)

We have been working with XTrack since 2018. We started with automatic RFID identification on garbage trucks. Not long after, we deployed integrated cameras. We have various kinds of data – GPS, RFID and video – from more than 100 vehicles under one system. This makes our daily work very easy. I recommend XTrack! 

Paweł Bardziński Logistics Manager – Proxy
Usługi Komunalne BŁYSK

We perform all our waste collection agreements with the support of the XTrack system. We have been using planning software, RFID on garbage trucks and container trucks, integrated video recording and the e-TOLL service. XTrack has been with us since 2014 and it was a good choice. 

Dominik Marczyk, Owner
Sanit Trans

At the moment, we do not use RFID tags. However, we needed a tool that allowed us to document, apart from the routes, how many and what containers of each fraction have been picked up by our single and two-chamber garbage trucks. We achieved our goal thanks to the implementation on our smartphones, the mobile app XTrack WorkMate. 

Mateusz Janicki, Logistics Manager
MPO Łódź

We have been using the XTrack system since 2012. We plan collection here and we send created routes to the onboard terminals. We periodically check the weights of individual fractions with the Digi Sens dynamic weighing systems. In addition, we have implemented the XTrack WorkMate app on smartphones to document incorrect waste segregation or other cases, so we can effectively handle complaints. 

Sławomir Borowski, Deputy Manager of the Services and Customer Service Department
Przedsiębiorstwo Oczyszczania Miasta EKO Sp. z o.o.

We have implemented the XTrack system comprehensively on more than fifty vehicles, including front loaders. We have Digi Sens dynamic scales, planning software, stocktaking and RFID, onboard terminals and cameras. The XTrack video recorders are integrated with other elements of the system and this makes it very easy for us to analyse cases requiring attention. Thanks to the data from the XTrack system, we can meet all the requirements related to waste collection tenders. 

Karol Rudowicz Technical Director
RS II Sp. z o.o.

We have implemented the XTrack Image Recording System in the collection documentation. In our case, we use this quality of recordings: Full HD with 8 frames per second. We do not have to copy files; everything is sent online on the go. The recordings are immediately available in WebX, integrated with GPS data and bodywork operation, so it is easy to search for the right fragment using the address. Our data goes to the cloud, so we do not need HDD recorders in vehicles. 

Przemysław Targalski Vice-President of the Management Board

We use the XTrack system to document road maintenance services in Gdańsk. We implemented GPS monitoring services integrated with the XTrack image recording system (we chose the configuration with FHD image quality and 8 frames per second). We have been cooperating with XTrack since 2015 and everything works fine.

Łukasz Kohls Technical Director
PUM Sp. z o. o.

The operation of our plows, gritters and sweepers is monitored by the XTrack system that records video and photos, integrated with GPS monitoring and sensors of the body work. What is very convenient - we do not manually copy recordings. All data is transferred on-line to the XTrack cloud during road maintenance works. We got involved with XTrack in 2022 and their solution works seamlessly.

Bogna SzalkowskaPresident
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