Here we provide you with the knowledge and experience we have gathered since 2001, where we have been implementing XTrack systems at waste collection organisers and operators providing waste transport services.
We believe that conscious and transparent formulation of the terms and conditions of the order, which are based on knowledge about industry standards, guarantees efficient settlement of the procedures, obtaining the most advantageous offers from operators and seamless partnership between the ordering party and the operator and waste producers.
If you want to know more about the technical solutions existing on the market for the documentation of waste collection, which may help you to achieve the stipulated objectives, learn about the procedure of preliminary market consultations provided for by the Public Procurement Law. Regardless of the mode of a subsequent tender procedure, the procedure ensures complete identification of the current state of the art and the selection of technologies suitable to the needs with optimal costs, while maintaining full transparency and without distorting competition.
When using the information from the consultation or the records from other proceedings whose documentation was available, take care to avoid detailed technical descriptions. It is in the ordering party’s interest to determine the effects, not the method of their performance. Detailed technical parameters of the systems on vehicles may indicate a specific supplier, and therefore limit the competition. As a result, this may be contrary to the principle of rational and targeted spending of public funds. Korzystając z informacji pozyskanych w procesie konsultacji lub posiłkując się zapisami z innych postępowań, których dokumentacja była powszechnie dostępna, należy zwrócić uwagę, by nie stosować szczegółowych opisów technicznych. W interesie zamawiającego jest określenie uzyskanych efektów, a nie sposobu ich realizacji. Szczegółowe parametry techniczne systemów na pojazdach mogą wskazywać na konkretnego dostawcę, a zatem ograniczać konkurencję i w efekcie być sprzeczne z zasadą racjonalnego i celowego wydatkowania środków publicznych.
In addition, using parameters indicating a specific manufacturer is a form of indirect discrimination prohibited by the provisions of the Public Procurement Law. At the same time, it meets definition of a prohibited act within the meaning of the Act on Combating Unfair Competition in the form of hindering access to the market (Article 15). Also, it may constitute an illegal agreement limiting competition (impeding access to the market), referred to in Article 6 section 1 item 6 of the Act on Competition and Consumer Protection.
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